It is almost time for a few new rounds of bootcamp to start.
The next round of Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5:15am will begin Monday, March 17th (note there will be no class April 18th, 21st & 23rd.  Those classes will be made up at the end so there will still be 8 weeks worth of class).
The next round of Tuesday 4:30pm/Saturday 7:30am will begin March 18th (note there will be no classes April 19th or 22nd.  Those classes will be made up at the end so there will still be 8 weeks worth of class).
The next round of Tuesday/Thursday 6am will begin a few after that so stay posted and feel free to let me know if you are interested in joining the next round of this time slot.
Rounds go 8 weeks. Check out my bootcamp section for more details and feel free to ask me any questions or to reserve your spot.


Written by Admin

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