It is so common to put yourself and what is important to you on the back burner.  We get busy taking care of our kids, doing our job, doing chores, homework etc that we don't take care of the machine that makes that all run....our bodies.   You can wear yourself down by being so busy with those every day tasks, that is why it is so critical that we all realize how important it is that we make ourselves a priority.  Your family needs you, your job needs you so it is your job to take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it.  I know working out makes me a better mom, sometimes yes, it can be hard to find the time but I know if I do I will release my stress and sweat out so many of my troubles and come back to my kids a happier and better mom and that is what is most important.  
Find a time that works for you, maybe it is early in the morning before your kids get up, or while they take a nap or after they go to bed; maybe you and your friends could take turns watching eachothers kids so you can have free time to exercise.   Whatever that time may be, make it a priority to schedule "you time".  I would love to be able to help you make the best of your "you time" so contact me today, space is limited.


Written by Admin

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